
Monday, February 13, 2012

Discovering JP: Part 1

And now, for the main event!  The blog I intended to write last week before I felt the need to vent.  But before I even start, let me take a quick timeout to say
The results are in and I am ecstatic to report that I passed that 6-hour monstrosity of an exam that determines whether I get that little thing called an MPH.  I can now rest easy and enjoy the final 8 weeks of my practicum!

I'd like to take another quick minute to extend this session of bragging on myself.  As I wrapped up my rotation in Lifestyle Management, I was asked to create materials for a new lecture topic:  Menopause.  Because the typical guest here is at least 45, menopause and the symptoms it brings affects many of our guests.  Weight gain. Moodiness. Hot flashes.  What can I expect and how do I begin to deal with it?  Those are some of the areas I attempted to broach and even made a handout for the men who find themselves dealing with menopause by default.  And I overhead our behavioral counselor saying the presentation I put together was "excellent."  So excellent, in fact, that it's on the schedule this week to be presented! Go me. :D

Now, onward!  Warning:  This post might get lengthy.  But it's all for a good cause.  I had no idea that so many lectures and life principles discussed here would be relevant to me, but I am on a journey of growth and self-discovery and am looking forward to the person who emerges from this experience.  

I'm thinking I'll split this post up and start with the shortest part first:  My vision.  In a class titled "Mastering Motivation", we created a vision statement.  We started by reviewing the 10 common mistakes when it comes to behavior change:
  1. Relying on willpower for long-term change
  2. Attempting big leaps instead of baby steps
  3. Ignoring how environment shapes behavior
  4. Trying to stop old behaviors instead of creating new ones
  5. Blaming failures on lack on motivation
  6. Underestimating the power of triggers
  7. Believing that information alone leads to action
  8. Focusing on abstract goals more than concrete behaviors
  9. Seeking to change behavior forever, not for a short time
  10. Assuming that behavior change is difficult
Then we created a vision statement for ourselves based on Simon Sinek's Golden Circle:  WHY you want to change, HOW you want to change, and WHAT it will mean.  We wrote these down on cards and had them laminated.  Here's mine:
I will become a practicing model of what I preach.  I will take every measure to become my fittest & best self -- able to complete any task or challenge.  I will be a model for others & live healthier longer.
It has been in my purse, but I have learned this week that it needs to stay in clearer view.  On the back is a mantra I came up with for when I am feeling weak:  Will I regret this later?  

Now I've shared my vision with the world, so there's no turning back now.  I have a vision in my mind of what I want JP to be, and now I have a vision on paper of what I'm going to be.  What is your vision of your best self?  

Oh yeah, and we watched the video below to give us a little kick in the rear ;)

Stay tuned for the next installment, The Art of Letting Go.

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